You have to redo that yogi and reggie mission get thru it and return to the arena. Oh and once ya beat that mission you have to return to the arena to unlock the bushman rifle. Just played that mission yesterday for the 30th or 40th time. but it was right in his face as he was reloading and i had a full clip in my shotty and he was the only one left, usually i'll just use cocktails or the few nades i find I think i remember taking out that heavy guy before with just a shotgun. save the nades and cocktails for the final round for the heavy guys, also use your takedown skills as you can (helps if ya have heavy takedown unlocked by then ) \ look for colored smoke as that indicates ammo and health syringe kits dropped into the arenaĪs the above poster said too you will find molotoves and grenades(as your running around you will pick a few up just by running over them hence keep moving and grabbin guns an ammo you'll need the AK and the shotty to start ).

My ADVISE for the yogi and reggie mission there.

And just think you have to return to the arena and reach LVL 10 in there to unlock the bushman assault rifle (glad i unlocked mine a long time ago.